nadine at home kids.jpg


I'm Nadine. Thanks for stopping by. The floors are creaky, the kids are loud, but the door's always open and the coffee's always on.

Make yourself at home.

Fan Mail

Remember this post? Well, today wasn't a hate-mail day. It was a fan-mail day. Which means I feel a little like this:

I was walking home from the grocery store today — at 3 p.m., which, I realize is a luxury — when "9 to 5" starting playing on Songza. That used to be my "get me out of my office job" anthem. And now it's just plain fun.

I've been working from home for more than two years now.

I'm 100% wired for it.

I don't need a lot of human interaction during the day.

I can write — fast. (An editor recently called me "Nadine the Machine.")

I can meet deadlines.

I'm reasonably self-motivated as long as I have those said deadlines.

And I like what I do.

I enjoy making my own coffee.

I get to write stories that make people smile — and share scientific studies that make people eat more veggies.

I'm paid to Google weird and fascinating things.

I can shop for groceries at 3 p.m.

So even though I hate the paperwork that comes with self-employment — new life goal: afford a personal money manager who deals with everything income- and expense-related so I don't have to — and sometimes wish I had a coworker beside me with whom I could complain about the hate mail and the occasional "I feel stuck in a rut" monotony that comes with any job (no matter its cool factor), I'd still choose my current setup over almost* anything else.

Sometimes I have to remind myself of the good stuff, you know?

Because even on bad days, I have it pretty good.

What do you like about your job?

*If Benjamin Moore called and wanted me to be their in-office paint-colour namer, I'd probably say yes.


Date Night