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I'm Nadine. Thanks for stopping by. The floors are creaky, the kids are loud, but the door's always open and the coffee's always on.

Make yourself at home.

Friday night is date night. During our premarital counselling — highly recommended, by the way — Matthew and I were encouraged to make a weekly date night a priority. And because we [usually] play by the rules, we set aside Friday nights. (It helps that we like dating each other. A lot.)

From time to time, something will pop up and we'll reschedule. But as a general rule, Friday's ours.

Last night, Matthew made steak. With a chianti butter sauce. Served with olive-oil mashed potatoes.

He even bought flowers.

It was mmmmmmmmm.........

And then, because my body apparently isn't used to digesting red meat, I had a nightmare about my in-laws' pet tiger wanting to cuddle with me  — likely to the death.

MATT: Where was I in this awesome dream?

ME: Napping in Wal-Mart's furniture department.

MATT: What?! I totally would have been cuddling that tiger!

Who says romance is dead?


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Lightning McQueen