nadine at home kids.jpg


I'm Nadine. Thanks for stopping by. The floors are creaky, the kids are loud, but the door's always open and the coffee's always on.

Make yourself at home.

15 things in 2015

'Tis the season....

1. Sew — with knits.

‘Cause I’m pregnant — and feeling brave. Stretch is needed. (I’m using the elastic band method with my jeans already. Babies certainly challenge your vanity.)

Also: Maybe sew for a man and a baby.

2. Cook — with new veggies.

Rapini, celeriac and parsnips, I’m lookin’ at you. (I should be an expert on these things. See here and here and here.)


Our apartment is too small. And we’re about to add ANOTHER WHOLE PERSON. (Who will be small, but will come with stuff.) Time to get creative.

4. Get my G2.

There. I put it out there. (I’m scared.)

Also: Buy a car.

5. Budget.

I’m a freelancer. With no paid maternity leave. Let’s do this (somehow)!

6. Get life insurance — and write a will.

I also just opened an RRSP!! I’m totally a convincing grownup now.

7. Decorate.

Our bedroom is currently a lovely shade of light grey. With hints of blue-grey. It needs life.

8. Related: Create a nursery.

This one’s a doozy. We have no space. We’re too stubborn to move (yet). Wish us luck!

9. Grow herbs. And keep them alive.

On the wish list: basil, parsley, rosemary, cilantro and dill.

10. Prenatal (and postnatal) exercise.

I suck at exercise. I have no interest in it. But I’ll do it for the baby — and for bouncin’ back and relieving stress. I’m V-E-R-Y good at stress.

11. Create homemade gifts.

I want to be that person, the one who gives people lovely, thoughtful, homemade gifts at Christmas.

12. Drink more water. A lot more water. All of the water.

I’ve never been a big drinker. I blame this on my childhood fear of using public washrooms.

13. Expand my bread repertoire.

Now that I’ve got a simple French bread recipe down, it’s time for sourdough. And maybe brioche. (I miss Paris.)

14. DIY beauty.

Lip scrubs and body butter. I must make these.

15. Dry-clean my wedding dress.

MATTHEW: Send it out for dry-cleaning. Don’t do it yourself.

It has been taking up space in the front closet — wedged between winter coats and the vacuum cleaner — for over 2 1/2 years. Time to deal with it.

What's on your list for 2015, friends?

(Here are 14 Things in 2014 and 13 Things in 2013.)

Great Expectations

Looking Back: 14 Things in 2014